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Lab Experiments



Arachidonic acid reverses cholesterol and zinc inhibition of human voltage-gated proton channels

Shuo Han, Sarah Applewhite, Jenna DeCata, Samuel Jones, John Cummings, Shizhen Wang. Journal of Biological Chemistry,
2023, 104918,


Voltage sensor dynamics of a bacterial voltage-gated sodium channel NavAb reveal three conformational states

Shuo Han, Joshua Vance, Samuel Jones, Jenna DeCata, Kimberly Tran, John Cummings, Shizhen Wang. Journal of Biological Chemistry,
2023, 102967,


Enhancement of Electricity Production of Microbial Fuel Cells by Using DNA Nanostructures as Electron Mediator Carriers

Shuo Han,  Krishna Thapa, Wenyan Liu, David Westenberg, Risheng Wang. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2022, 10, 49, 16189–16196.


Cholesterol inhibits human voltage-gated proton channel hHv1

Shuo Han, Xing-ping ChuRyan Goodson, Prae Gamel, Sophia Peng, Joshua Vance, Shizhen Wang. PNAS 2022, 119 (36) e2205420119.


Structural dynamics determine voltage and pH gating in human voltage-gated proton channel

Shuo HanSophia PengJoshua Vance, Kimberly Tran, Nhu Do, Nauy Bui, Zhenhua Gui, Shizhen Wang. eLife 2022, 11: e73093


Label-free and ultrasensitive electrochemical DNA biosensor based on urchinlike carbon nanotube-gold nanoparticle nanoclusters

Shuo Han, Wenyan Liu, Ming Zheng, Risheng Wang. Analytical Chemistry. 2020, 92 (7), 4780-4787


Growth of carbon nanotubes on graphene as 3D biocathode for NAD+/NADH balance model and high-rate production in microbial electrochemical synthesis from CO2

Shuo Han, Hong Liu, Charles Zhou, Hanjie Ying. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2019, 7 (3), 1115-1123


Facile and label-free electrochemical biosensors for microRNA detection based on DNA origami nanostructures

Shuo Han, Wenyan Liu, Shuo Yang, Risheng Wang. ACS Omega. 2019, 4 (6), 11025-11031


NADH gene manipulation for advancing bioelectricity in Clostridium ljungdahlii microbial fuel cells

Shuo Han, Xiongying Gao, Handjie Ying, Charles Zhou. Green Chemistry. 2016, 18 (8), 2473-2478


Carbon nanostructure modified enzyme-catalyzed biosensor for bio-electrochemical NADH regeneration

Shuo Han, Jingbin Zhang, Xiongying Gao, Hanjie Ying. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2015, 3 (32), 6626-6633


Growth of carbon nanotubes on graphene as efficient air–cathode for highly H2O2-producing microbial fuel cell

Shuo Han, Charles Zhou, Risheng Wang. Techconnect Briefs. 2018, 2, 121-124


Predictive patterns among microorganisms: data sciences for screening smart bacteria for methanogenesis and wastewater treatment

Charles Zhou, Shuo Han. International Conference on Complex Systems, 2018, 335-345


Application of machine learning and swarm intelligence to select smart microbes for wastewater treatment.

Charles Zhou, Shuo Han. TechConnect Briefs. 2018, 4, 16-19


High-efficient n-butanol production by co-culturing Clostridium acetobutylicum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae integrated with butyrate fermentative supernatant addition

Hongzhen Luo, Qingwei Zeng, Shuo Han, Zhaoyu Wang, Qing Dong, Yanhong Bi, Yuping Zhao. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2017, 33 (4), 1-10.


Selectionand characterization of microbial community with capacity degradingcellulose from anode of sediment microbial fuel cell. (In Mandarin)

Shuo Han, Tianshun Song, Xiayuan Wu, Hanjie Ying, Charles Zhou. Journal of Nanjing University of Technology. 2015, 3, 55-58


Influence of biomass addition on electricity harvesting from solid phase microbial fuel cells

Tianshun Song, Debin Wang, Shuo Han, Xiayuan Wu, Charles Zhou. International journal of hydrogen energy. 2014, 39 (2), 1056-1062.


Isolation of cellulose-decomposing strains and analysis of enzymatic characteristics of cellulose. (In Mandarin )

Shuo Han, Yan Zhao, Tianshun Song, Charles Zhou. Journal of Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry. 2013, 22 (4), 1-6


Activity determination and property analysis on peroxydase in onion (In Mandarin)

Yan Zhao, Shuo Han. Journal of Anhui Agriculture Sciences. 2011, 39 (3), 1275-1277


© 2022 by Shuo Han
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